“Ohm helped me save my motor from getting completely burnt. It's a very big breakthrough for me!”

“Actually it started with me having to pay huge utility bills. I watched the trend of my bills and how they were climbing up and thought to myself if I don’t do something about it very soon it will definitely create a hole in my wallet. Initially when I installed the Ohm bot I wanted to check if my utility meter was reporting correctly, it was. That meant I was genuinely consuming too much power and that too by copious amounts. I said to myself, if during monsoon or beginning of winter I’m paying this much I’ll end up paying much more during summers.
So I started watching the overall performance of the appliances on the app. I started watching my trends and looking at the consumption overall, I was really interested to know which appliance was consuming more and by monitoring I could pinpoint that my geyser was consuming the most. I also found my pump was consuming too much, three times more than it should! With the trend feature. I learned that when it’s powered on for too long it consumes too much. I started using it less and later replaced the pump itself. The unit consumption decreased by 50%.But soon I found out the pump that I had gotten replaced was damaged, the technicians failed to check it while installing. The moment we switched the power on an alarm was triggered and I told them something seems to be wrong since the pump is consuming too much power, which I could clearly see on the app. We removed the pump to check what the issue was and found out it was indeed damaged.
Ohm helped me save my motor from getting completely burnt. It’s a very big breakthrough for me! I was so happy because it saved me a lot of money plus it helped me figure out what the root cause of the issue was.”